Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Shaking Our World Project   

        Plate tectonic is the movement of plates inside the earth. This is a theory that was found by a man his name Alfred Wagner . This guy was the one who come up with this idea of the theory of the continental shift. But of course people was think that he is just a crazy man. But through the years the found out that he was right
     I learned a lot of things about our world and what happening around us. I learned about the earth quick waves. what is the cause of it the earth quick has three types of waves the P back and forth, S when the land move up and down, L when the land move all directions. All the natural disaster is effecting our life all the time.
       A Fault is when the earth where broken rock slide past each other, causing crack in the earth’s surface. There are three types of fault. reverse , normal , strike. Normal the movement of downward. While the strike slid is the same as transform, is the movement of slide passing.

       A volcano is a place on the Earth's surface, volcanoes create magma,  Magma is molten rock within the Earth's crust. Molten rock inside the volcanoes called magma and it call lava outside of the volcano. volcanoes create by three things, shield volcano which is a lot of volcano become together and from a low dome or shield , cinder cone volcano is the cinder that brick or the ash that come from inside the volcano and stay around the volcano, composite volcano an opening in the ground that help to take the molten lava ,ash out side the earth crust.

       I think the fact that the earth is moving is dangerous and its fun at the same time. when I was a kid and until now I want to see how the volcanoes bomb out , I want to see when the magma go outside of the volcano, I watched in T.V but I want to see who is naturally. As we watch every time and everyday the natural disaster become more dangerous. Volcanoes and Earth quick and tsunami happen all the time, which means that all the people have to know is every day the world is changing .

 I enjoy the whole project spacial by making foldables and working in the project lab all the work that I did is in my own word. Not really I think the map was challenging for me during the project as well the time was one of the problems. I learned many skill through doing this project. I learned how use a map who search for information. I learned how to make foldables making. Nothing, but I will come up with a different Idea and that what will help me to improve my work. Next time I will like to do the video Or a song . I think that will make it more fun and interesting project.

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